
1902, 1934, 1966, 1998

This is the most reasonable year. A year of travel, large plots, mysterious phenomena, the year of assistance and rescue. People born in the year Delphine, inspired idealists, wise, and clearly distinguish between light and darkness, bringing in a difficult moment. They are committed to the highest ideals, have a penchant for philosophy and peacemaking. They are very mysterious and enigmatic in his behavior, consistently for all should know how to subtly help. Assume the hardest part of the work. Able to receive and transmit thoughts at a distance.

People with traits manifested antitotema everything else. They are spiteful, vengeful, does not get tired to sow discord and civil war, the plant with the floor-traffic, by all means contribute to the distortion of the truth, trying to mix good and evil. The result of their activities have become chaos and devastation.

Delphine was born in the year: VI Lenin, Kuprin, Ivan Bunin, S. Lemeshev, Kurchatov, Sophia Loren, Brigitte Bardot, Elvis Presley.