
(01.03-10.03; 03.09-12.09)

For his singing melancholic beauty Yves very attractive and beautiful. Even if only visibility determines the basis of its charm (especially when Yves - woman), to feel in it something mysterious. It is unclear thoughts, unconscious desires, which sometimes is unable to determine.

It is very sensitive, loves to solar heat, stay near the water. Responds to all the smells and tastes. As no one else can use the minute of joy and not deny ourselves any of them. Do not believe the foreign Willow meekness. Contrary to it, it efficiently and decisively, is well aware of what he wanted. Never did not impose, as it developed a sense of respect for others and no desire to command.

Is it something of a poet. Her melancholic maxim about the rapidly approaching autumn, and this should not take life too seriously and take a manifestation of pessimism. Yves is a very difficult partner, because they do not have the ability to quickly adapt and do not like compromises.

Her vulnerability and helplessness are often only a tactic. Time for fun and sometimes for personal gain, it can play brilliantly from a poor creature. In general, life is able to defend himself perfectly.

In the romantic feelings rather than sentimentality. He likes to sensual pleasure, has made them a poetic dimension. Willow does not like feeling everyday, colorless. She has artistic abilities, intuition and a rich imagination. Sometimes it's a good psychologist, with some insight that allows it to guess other people's ideas and wishes. Her life could have run quite smoothly, if not excessive attraction to love misery. However, we should not take her complaints seriously, the feelings are not colored suffering not appreciated it.

Personality traits were born under the sign Willow: intuition, a rich imagination.

Under the Sign of Willow born: Smetana, Elizabeth I (English), Maurice Chevalier.