
History is not maintained accurate descriptions of runic deal. You can take any acceptable way hands runes. Runes, you can put on one spill on the canvas and select the most "powerful". Here are the most common classifications.

Many practices as a result of long years of working with runami come to create their own event. Rely on intuition, runes tell how they work.

12 runes
Physical and mental condition. The spiritual potential. Contact us with your surroundings. The situation in the family...

One Fleece
If you use a rune should be set so that it could be answered "yes" or "no"...

24 runes
Finance. Psychic energy. Health. Life force. Karmic force, creating a physical support. Intelligent self-expression. Source of inspiration. Travel and physical travels of spirit. Partnerships and creativity...

3 runes
This layout is useful to get the impression of the situation, its causes and possible outcome...

4 runes
Fortunetelling in runes. Chetyrehrunny deal...

5 runes
The first was called rune 2, it describes the situation at the time of treatment to runam...

7 runes
Current situation. The Past as the cause of this. Future. The new situation, try to set...

9 runes
layout helps to clarify this situation and its outcome. Take a bag of runes 9. Hold their hands, focusing on the issue. Then...