
Is At Odinnadtsatom place worth Fleece Is, phonetic value of which is the sound [I]. Word Is, are in all Germanic languages (cf. Eng. "Ice" and German "Eis"), in Russian translated as "ice", and describes the rune Is the ice in all its forms.

Old runic poem tells about the Rune following:
 sparkling carpet will frost and ice on winter
      On the roads of gods and humans.
      Do not restrain the flow of ice, flowing wisdom of centuries.
      Remember, however, that Is only a delay
      may be that coming, did not dissipate.
If the ice is seen as a rigid body, arising from the fluid as a result of loss of energy, Is it embodies the principle of a static existence.

At the mystical level, as a symbol of inertia and decay, Is directly opposite Rune Keno. However, according to esoteric traditions of the North, in the collision of two new natural-born stuff. At the very notion of ice lies about the new melting and turning it into water. On the other hand, in the form of glacier ice are slowly emerging as a force of almost insurmountable. As the ice iceberg, Is a very deceptive and unreliable, because of the surface of the water serves only a small part of a genuine lumps. Thus, Fleece Is denotes stop "freezing" of a process or breaking the linkages between individual phenomena or properties, both in the first and the second case, the reason for this is an insurmountable interference of external forces. Accordingly, the modern practice nortumbriyskogo order runu Is often associated with death.