

Full of life, strength and beauty, not having to imagine anything fragile. Movement of the majestic and full of dignity, budyat people respect their solid look. It is healthy, that his case is very important, as not conveying weakness and disease, and type of blood can cause him to faint.

Very venture, but his courage is not so much of its spiritual qualities, but his excessive pride. Do not want to be considered a coward and to prevent acute conditions, reacts sharply than necessary. Self-willed and does not have a habit of departing from the earlier decision and, as a rule, always seeking the goal. But his intransigence is also the bad side: Oak does not know how to be flexible, and its intransigence gives him trouble. Has a great deal, if it could be a little diplomat. He himself was more than insensitive. It carries no restrictions and it is often verge on the arbitrary. Nonetheless, he respects the views and independence of others. Privetliv and gostepriimen, faithful in friendship, but not always so in love. It is a volatile substance, the victim of regular interests, confident that "now it is forever." During the marriage, may eventually sown his wild oats.

Firmly standing on legs, like Ingrown its surroundings, continues and develops the situation. It seeks to change and dissatisfaction with taking the changes caused by exposure to others. He - conservative. Despite the fact that from time to time, are capable of selfless acts, always mindful of the benefit and all the attention has focused on personal problems. Another's life he was not interested.

Absorbs all the deeds, thoughts clear and businesslike, a man of action, not without intuition. Refers to the number of people who, regardless of the circumstances, always "remain with their own interests." Usually, your family, it provides a life full enough.

Personality traits were born under the sign of Dubai: the determination accuracy of deeds, sagacity, realism, observation, organizational skills.

Under the Sign of Duba born: JSBach, Benito Juarez.