
(02.01-11.01; 05.07-14.07)

Beautiful, but rather cold, strict beauty, love old jewelry as well as prigashennye lamps, the smell of perfume, old things and full of grandeur holidays. Capricious and not always easy to communicate and live together. Developed sense of identity, so often feels Odinokoy even in a big team. Little to third-influenced, but rarely gives its opinion, does not differ a great volubility, and fun. Very proud, persistent in achieving this goal.

In love are rarely granted. Demanding and stroppy. Always wanted to get a lot out of life, as well as aware of their dignity, and she usually manages. It also happens to fall in love with the memory, and then the whole world suffers its collapse. Her love may be infinite. Extremely intelligent, has the analytical abilities, academic abilities, but not always successful. Sometimes that works in the field, not having anything to do with her abilities and qualifications.

To work is not serious about reaching certain heights and integrity and thoroughness. Forced to choose among various solutions to choose is usually the most difficult part. Creation of difficult situations for themselves and others - this is actually calling her.

The noble, whatever happens - you can rely on it entirely. In any situation, can not lose the presence of spirit, hope and faith. Fir above trifles. It is legible and the small pleasures in preference satisfaction more.

Personality traits were born under the sign of fir: an intellectual mind, the propensity to analysis, logic, asceticism.

Under the Sign of fir born: Jeanne d'Arc, A. Tolstoy, J. Golsuorsi, Napoleon Bonaparte.