The Death of Christianity

The first death of man on earth, as the Bible tells, was the death of his son Adam Abel, the murdered brother of Cain. But how on earth a death? "God created man imperishable, he made his way to his own nature" (Prem. 2.23), but through the devil's envy death entered the world: and have it by inheritance of his (Prem. 2.24). Pervocheloveki Adam to Eve, who were in paradise, until the fall were immortal. God, warning them of the fruits vkushniya from one of the trees, said: "Do not eat them and not touch it, lest ye die." However, the ban has been violated, and the fact that "opened their eyes to them both, for the fact that Adam and Eve knew the truth about ourselves and the world, God has cursed them. His angry monologue God had completed such treatment to Adam: "... by the sweat of thy face shalt eat bread, till thou return to the land from which you have taken, for dust you are and to dust return" (Genesis, 3,3-19). In Psalm 103 we read: "conceal thy face, they are embarrassed, take them to thy spirit, they die in the dust of your return, send your spirit, they are built, and you renew the face of the earth." In the psalms and books of the prophets of death is determined by such notions as "calm", "silence", "country of oblivion", "ashes", "abyss." "With the benefit of my blood when I went down into the grave? Will the dust praise thee? (Psalm 29.10). "In death there is no memory of you, in the tomb who praises thee? (Psalm 6,6). "Are you dead on the work a miracle? Is dead rise and praise thee? Is in the tomb will be announced grace and your faithfulness to your in hell? How to know thy wonders are in the dark, and thy righteousness in the land of oblivion? (Psalm 87,11-13). "Not dead to praise the Lord and not top-down in the country of silence" (Psalm 113, 25). "Because the ad does not belong to you." Death is not to praise him, descending into the grave can not cry thy truth "(Isaiah 38, 18). These quotes are shown typical Old Testament relating to the death. And they treat it primarily as the destruction of the possibility of any action - even to the glory of the Lord. Yet there is hope for resurrection, it says in the book of Isaiah (26.19), in the book of Job, (19,25), and especially in Ezekiel (37,9-14). Daniel said that "many of the sleep in the dust of the earth awake, some to eternal life, others - to the eternal reproach and shame" (12,2). But for Christians the concept of death is not limited to purely physical sense, returning to dust. In the Orthodox Theological Encyclopedia archimandrite Nikifor (edition of 1891) read: "Death is twofold: physical and spiritual. Body death is that the body is deprived of soul, which enlivened him, and the spiritual that the soul is deprived of the grace of God, which enlivened its highest spiritual life. Dusha may die, but not as the body dies. The body, which dies, loses sense and destroyed, and the soul, when sin dies, is deprived of spiritual light, joy and bliss, but not destroyed, not destroyed, but remains in a state of darkness, sorrow and suffering. Death entered the world through the sin of our ancestors. All are born from Adam, affected by sin, and sin itself. As a source of infected naturally flows an infected stream, so from the father, affected by sin and death because , occurs naturally infected by sin, and therefore mortal offspring. On the death as punishment for the fall of man described in many books of scripture. Detailed discussion on this topic, for example, in the epistle to the Romans of St. Paul: "Wherefore, as by one man sin, come into the world, sin and death, and death has passed into all men, because all sinned. For until the law sin was in the world of sin is not imputed when there is no law. Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses and the nesogreshivshimi like the crime of Adam, who is the image of the future. But the gift of grace, not as a crime. For if one were subjected to a crime death, many, how much more the grace of God and the gift by the grace of one man, Jesus Christ, pereizbytochestvuet for many. And the gift is not a court for a sinner, for the court for a crime - to condemn, but the gift of grace - to justify many of the crimes . For if the crime of one death reigned through one, much less accept the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness will reign in life through a single Jesus Christ. "Therefore, as a crime of all men condemn, so righteousness of all men to justification of life" (Riml. 5.12 -18). Thinking about the features of the orthodox perception of death, Archimandrite Cyprian in the "Prayer for the dead", wrote: "In addition to torment and power of hell, yet something disturbed us in death: it is unclear to our lives. From the moment of death to the body will not break the soul: the soul as lived up to the last minutes earthly life, and will continue to live up to the Last Court... In Orthodoxy there is no death, because death only a narrow boundary between life and death here in the next century, death is only a temporary separation of body and soul. No death It is because Christ is risen for all. There eternity, eternal rest and eternal memory of God and in God. Not the Muslim paradise with guriyami before our eyes, not dim and tedious nirvana, not otherwise boring and reincarnation, and the quiet cloister paradise, non nevechernem Light in the Day of Christ's kingdom. Eternal deposition of bliss, eternal liturgy where heruvimskuyu sing no human voices, and faces of the cherubim and Seraphim. " "Legally," the idea of the immortality of the soul was first issued on Nicene Church (325), when approving the symbol of faith in him has been included on the dogma of eternal life. However, the future of theological environment encountered considerable controversy about the nature of the soul and its destiny after physical death.
AP Lavrinov

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