
It is the universal symbol of the east (in the West - a lily or a rose). It has solar and lunar aspects. Means death and life. Appears in the images of gods the Sun in Egypt and India, as well as images of lunar deities Semitic religions. Depicted with the Great Mother Goddess of the Moon.

This "was originally a luxurious flower lily Great waters, while the substance come and go." Lotus - this space, rising from chaos, as the Sun, vzoshedshee of the lotus at the beginning of the world. This Flower of Light, the result of interaction between the creative forces of the Sun and the lunar forces of water.

Being a product of the interaction of fire and water, it symbolizes the spirit and matter. As a "universal basis of all things, it blooms in the waters of unlimited opportunities".

Lotus - solar framework matrix. Opening and closing from dawn to sunset, it represents his rebirth, and therefore any other recovery, creation, fertility, renewal and immortality.

Lotus - This is absolutely beautiful. Open flower, taking the form of outlet, the wheel represents the matrix of solar, solar wheel of the cycle of continuous existence. In addition, it forms a bowl, symbolizing the feminine principle of perceiving.

According Yamvlihu, lotus - a symbol of perfection, as its leaves, flowers and fruits form a circle - lotus represents spiritual disclosure, beginning his rise from dirt and mucus and germinate up through muddy water to expand in the sun and in the light of Heaven. The root of it represents the insolubility; stalk - the umbilical cord, tie people to their roots, the flower is in the form of sunlight, a box with seeds symbolizes plodonosnuyu force creations.

Its flower is resting in the quiet waters. In the bud any potential hidden. Its flowering - this extension, education, heart, outer wheel of the world events. Boll symbolize creation.

Lotus - "an engine on water" (a hole in the capsule is smaller than the seeds inside it, and when the box burst, the seeds razletayutsya to take root where they claim the water).

Lotus is also a symbol of extraordinary or divine birth, leaving clean water from the mud. The gods, pictured emerging from a lotus, mark the world grows out of the elements of water, the lotus symbolizes the sun, from the initial water vyplyvayuschee Chaos.

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