
Solar symbol associated with the cult of trees and the Sun.

Symbolizes immortality, longevity, love. The natural character of stars in the sky and, as a consequence, the ascension into heaven and immortality. Connected to the storm, as it becomes disturbing to the rain, and its dance in the rain reflected the symbolism spiral. Garrulity, boastfulness, and vanity - on the later connotations.

Buddhism: compassion and vigilance. Fan of the peacock's feathers - Avalokiteshvary attribute identifies with Guan-yin, and Ami-tabhoy as a symbol of compassion.

China: dignity, high rank, beauty. Attribute Guan-Yin Wang, and race-Mu. Perot Peacock handed over when they receive a high level of merit and grace meant emperor. The emblem of the dynasty Min.

Christianity: immortality, resurrection, soul and glorified before the Lord, because the peacock renews its plumage, and its meat was considered incorruptible. "Hundred Eye" all-seeing Church. Symbolizes also sacred, because it resembles the tail of halo. Peacock, sitting on the field or Power personified the ability to rise above worldly things. His pen - the emblem of St. Barbara.

Ancient Greece: a solar symbol, the symbol of the god-bird Faona "shaky." Initially - attribute Panama, and then borrowed hero as a symbol of the starry arch. Eyes of Argus were scattered on the hero of his tail.

Hinduism: sometimes - riding animal Brahma, at the peacock go to Lakshmi and the god of war Skand-Karttikeya when it sits astride a god of love Kama, this represents an itch to. Peacock - the emblem of the goddess of wisdom, music and poetry Saraswati.

In Iran, peacocks facing on both sides the tree of life, mean dualism and dual nature of man. Symbolizes also the king's power: the Persian throne Shakhov called "peacock throne".

Islam: the light, which "saw the self, as a peacock with a rakish tail." Eye of the peacock is associated with the eye of the Heart.

Japanese boddhisattva Kudzyaku-Mae always sitting on the peacock.

Rome: the bird of Juno with the same meaning as in the case of Gera. The emblem of the daughters of the Emperor and Empress.