If the parish associated with bulls, it symbolizes the beginning of the sun and fertility. If it is understood as a castrated bull, it loses meaning and becomes a lunar fertility symbol personified congenital physical force, patient work, welfare and sacrifice.
In China, the ox took the bull in the symbolism of spring, fertility and agriculture and is the second of the twelve animals of earthly branches. " In Chinese Buddhism the white ox symbolizes the meditative wisdom. In Christianity, represents the patient, because the burden of Christ, Christ as the true victim, and is an attribute of St. evangelist. Luke, who stresses the sacrificial aspect of Christ. It is generally accepted that the ox and donkey at the scenes depicting the Christmas, symbolizing the Gentiles and Jews. Parish - the emblem of St.. Blandino, Juliet, Leonard, Medard and Sylvester.
In Greco-Roman tradition of ox - a symbol of farming, and sacrifice.
In Taoism - a wild animal nature, dangerous in the absence of discipline, but its useful power when it ukroschena. This symbolism is used in the Daoist and Chan-Buddhist "ten scenes of grazing bulls or oxen, in which an animal initially portrayed entirely in black, and then, as domestication gradually became white, and finally disappears completely, which symbolizes the overcoming of natural conditionality.
In China, the ox took the bull in the symbolism of spring, fertility and agriculture and is the second of the twelve animals of earthly branches. " In Chinese Buddhism the white ox symbolizes the meditative wisdom. In Christianity, represents the patient, because the burden of Christ, Christ as the true victim, and is an attribute of St. evangelist. Luke, who stresses the sacrificial aspect of Christ. It is generally accepted that the ox and donkey at the scenes depicting the Christmas, symbolizing the Gentiles and Jews. Parish - the emblem of St.. Blandino, Juliet, Leonard, Medard and Sylvester.
In Greco-Roman tradition of ox - a symbol of farming, and sacrifice.
In Taoism - a wild animal nature, dangerous in the absence of discipline, but its useful power when it ukroschena. This symbolism is used in the Daoist and Chan-Buddhist "ten scenes of grazing bulls or oxen, in which an animal initially portrayed entirely in black, and then, as domestication gradually became white, and finally disappears completely, which symbolizes the overcoming of natural conditionality.